Even before fun runs and marathons became a hit in this generation, our school had already been organizing races annually. One night, being part of the boyscout family, we were tasked to become marshals for the annual fun run. We were asked to stay overnight at school to prepare all the things needed for the race - water in plastics, straw markers, route markers, stage and other things. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll have a good idea what went on during our overnight stay. So here it goes. After all materials have been prepared and tasks for the race were already delegated, it was time to hit the sack. However at that time, we were not equipped with sleeping bags nor tents. So we settled with sleeping on top of disassembled pingpong tables on top of a dirty, muddy floor. There were around 7 or 8 of us squeezing in on two adjacent tables. I was next to a higher classman near the edge. This upper classman is a jovial person. There's not a bad...
Closet chronicles of an average confused, curious, and confirmed gay guy.